Big Read: Creative Writing Workshop

MARCH 22-APRIL 12 @ 10AM - Join nationally recognized artist/writer Jan Cohen-Cruz on a four-part exploration of Writing the Stories We Need.

March 22, 29, April 5, 12 @ 10-11:30am
Public sharing of original work Saturday March 12 @ 2-4pm
Bethlehem Area Public Library

Writing the Stories We Need: A Workshop Inspired by Rebekah Taussig’s Sitting Pretty: The View from My Ordinary Resilient Body

How does finding words for our life challenges hearten us and connect us to each other? What experiences that you know firsthand do you long to hear stories about? What could you write to be more seen for all you are?

Spring-boarding from Rebekah Taussig’s memoir of her body, which, she writes, “looks and moves different from most,” participants will share and write about their lived experiences that need to be more known in the world at large. This four-session workshop will take place mid-March to Mid-April at the Bethlehem Area Public Library and end with a sharing of what we have made. The workshop facilitator, Jan Cohen-Cruz, has written or edited eight non-fiction books. To know more, contact Jan at

[Image description: A group of people sit around a table, focused on something in the middle. The person most in focus, on the left side of the image has their hands on top of some sort of board game/donut shaped thing. The whole scene is bathed in a wonderful purple light. In the background we can see many other (out of focus) people who all appear to be sitting in similar groups.]